Profiles in 3C
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Profiles of Character:
These are some basic traits imbibed by the learners through a value system continuously evolving for a harmonious co-existence in the world at large.
1.Independent : One who is free, easy, bold, unconstrained. One who develops his/her own natural curiosity and skills necessary to carry out inquiries and show independence in learning.
2.Balanced : One who understands the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well being.
3.Responsible : One who is reliable, who can be trusted and depended upon. Understands and expresses ideas and information creatively in a variety of mode of communication.
4. Integrity : One who is honest and adheres to moral and ethical principles.
5. Confident : One who has a firm belief in one’s power, abilities and making appropriate decisions and choices.
6. Optimistic : One who has a positive attitude and always assumes the best outcome.
7. Courageous : One who has the ability to approach unfamiliar situations, difficulty and uncertainty or pain without being overcome by fear, and have the spirit to explore new ideas and strategies.
8. Committed : One who is devoted to his/her actions and words and takes responsibility for the consequences that comes with it.
9. Enthusiastic : One who is eager to understand concepts, ideas and takes initiative and in so doing acquire in-depth knowledge of the balanced range of discipline.
10. Respect for all : One who has feeling and respect for need of everybody around them. They try to make a positive difference to the lives of others.
11. Self Esteemed : One who has a high sense of personal worth and ability and encompasses beliefs and emotions such as triumph, despair and pride.
12. Empathetic : One who has the ability to identify with and understand other’s feelings and difficulties and is always ready to help.
13. Open minded : One who is free from prejudices and receptive to new ideas.
14. Inquirer : One who develops ones natural curiosity and the necessary skills to carry out inquiry and research in learning.
15. Participative Competence : One who is willing to share his/her knowledge with others and take part in all the works related to learning.
Profiles of Competence
Some of the skills developed by learners effectively and continuously for a progressive continual growth.
1. Innovative : One who is creative especially in the way that something is done.
2. Pro-active : One who takes an action in advance to deal with an expected difficulty.
3. Communicative : One who is able to communicate his/her ideas clearly and readily.
4. Leaders : One who is able to influence others towards achieving goals.
5. Adaptable : One who is able to adjust easily to a new environment or to different conditions.
6. Organized : One who plans one’s activity efficiently and methodically.
7. Assertive : One who is strong in putting forward one’s views.
8. Passionate : One who expresses an intense desire for something.
9. Perseverant : One who has steady and continued action or belief, usually over a long period and especially despite difficulties or setbacks.
10. Thinker : One who is curious and reasons while reflecting on the predicament, then chooses to respond ingenuously rather than react to the situation.
11. Focused : One who concentrates on a task until it is accomplished.
12. Risk taker : One who takes chances in hopes of winning. One who is brave and articulate in defending his/her beliefs.
13. Decision Maker : One who is capable of making a logical decision from the available options.
14. Updated : One who is aware of the most recent information than was previously available and tries to acquire the same.
15. Research Oriented : One who does methodical investigation into a subject in order to discover the facts, to establish or revise a theory, or to develop a plan of action based on the facts discovered.